Occupational safety and health

Safety and Health Management Plan (FY2024)

We comply with safety and health laws and regulations, establish a safety and health management system, and protect the safety and health of our employees.

Recognizing the responsibilities, roles, and authority of each individual, we will create safety and health management plans for each department and office based on this plan, and work diligently on safety and health management activities to achieve zero accidents and zero disasters.

Basic Policy (2024)

By observing basic operations and with the strong belief that "all accidents can be prevented," each and every one of us will thoroughly act with "safety as our number one priority."

Occupational Safety and Health Management System (FY2024)

Safety and health management system

Initiatives for Employee Safety and Health (FY2024)

Based on company-wide goals and priority measures, we are mainly working on the following items.

●Improve safety awareness by activating communication

Through activities that encourage and praise employees, we aim to create an open workplace and raise safety awareness.


●Implementation of safety patrols

In addition to safety patrols aimed at encouraging those working on the front lines at the workplace, led by the central safety and health manager, we also carry out safety patrols for each executive in the Kanto and Kansai regions to promote improvements. We carry out activities to encourage and praise employees.


●Implementation of safety meetings

Deputy general safety and health managers from operational departments, branches, and affiliated companies are invited to participate in the training, which is carried out in the Kanto and Kansai regions for each land transportation and loading and unloading department.


● Safety and Health Management Goals (FY2024)

① Creating an open and transparent work environment
② Zero serious workplace accidents resulting in absence from work for four days or more
3) Achieve 400 days without workplace accidents
4. Reduce accidents related to loading and unloading vehicles by 50% compared to the previous fiscal year
⑤ Continuing hygiene measures against infectious diseases and other infectious diseases


●Safety and health management training

The training sessions held last year were as follows:

July 2024: 428 people participated in safe driving course


●Setting an annual safety and health slogan

In order to promote safety and health activities, we solicit applications from a wide range of companies within our company and affiliated companies, select and award awards under three themes: cargo handling, vehicle driving, and health and hygiene, and display outstanding entries at each site.


● Review and promotion of BCP / BCM

With the aim of minimizing damage and ensuring business continuity in the event of a disaster, we conduct response drills in both face-to-face and remote formats with the participation of the Emergency Response Headquarters Director (President) and all departments (stores and offices). I am.


●Health management

We manage the health of our employees by conducting regular health checkups and stress checks.

About Work Accidents

Occurrence of occupational accidents (FY2023)


There were two workplace accidents resulting in four or more days of absence from work.

When a workplace accident or property damage accident occurs, we prepare an accident report, share the details of the accident within the Group, and have each business location verify the details in an effort to prevent similar accidents from occurring again.

Occupational accident frequency rate
*Applicable to: Nissin Shinkansen alone, all employees
Occupational accident severity rate
*Applicable to: Nissin Shinkansen alone, all employees
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