Human resource development

Training measures

In order to improve the abilities of each employee, we provide a variety of training opportunities for everyone from new employees to managers.

Rank-specific training (role recognition and career development)

We conduct training for each level, including new employees, leaders, and managers, promoting the acquisition of skills and role recognition necessary for each level. In addition, by providing training related to career development, we provide each employee with an opportunity to think about their future career.

Practical training

We provide training related to practical work in order to improve the basic abilities of our employees. In addition, to improve IT literacy, we conduct basic IT training and a series of trainings related to improving business efficiency.

Global human resource development

In order to meet the needs of customers not only in Japan but also in countries around the world, it is essential to develop global human resources. We are promoting the development of human resources who can play an active role globally by providing various language training opportunities for all employees and implementing an overseas training dispatch system for young employees.

Diversity & Inclusion Training

We incorporate D&I training with the aim of creating an organization that understands and accepts the differences that each person has, and where people can flourish by demonstrating their individuality and abilities. We conduct training on a variety of topics, starting from becoming aware of unconscious bias within oneself, to promoting women's empowerment, encouraging men to take childcare leave, hiring people with disabilities, and promoting understanding of LGBTQ+.

Self-development/skill improvement

We encourage each employee to improve their skills through various correspondence courses and in-house e-learning.

In-house education and training system*
Internal education and training system

Rating system

Once a year, we evaluate our approach to work, processing ability, degree of execution, etc. based on certain criteria.

In addition, feedback from superiors on evaluation results encourages employee growth and improves organizational strength.


Once a year, we conduct a self-report (transfer request survey) to confirm the individual's intentions.

Afterwards, superiors and subordinates have the opportunity to look back on the past year and discuss future growth.

We also have a rotation system in place so that employees can experience multiple departments in order to develop their careers.

We will propose the optimal transportation route, transportation method, storage, and moving to suit your needs.
Please feel free to contact us. Our sales representative will explain the details in detail.