Examples of initiatives

Promotion of digitalization Development of digital forwarding service “Forward ONE”

We contribute to improving the productivity of “analog and inefficient freight forwarding operations.”

"Forward ONE" is an online site that consistently calculates international shipping costs, confirms schedules, bookings, and manages projects (document exchange, forecast and actual management of vessel movements, and delivery date management) between customers and our company. This is a service that improves work efficiency among related parties by doing so. Just as travel reservation sites have become popular, we will provide highly convenient services to our customers by moving our forwarding services online.


Estimate response takes time
The international logistics industry is an area where DX is difficult to advance due to the wide range of products and destination countries and the presence of various players. Even creating a quote required us to make inquiries overseas and refer to various information scattered within the company, which often kept customers waiting.
It takes time to check the progress of import/export projects.
Due to Supply Chain disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we have received many inquiries from customers seeking to improve the efficiency of our logistics operations. Among these, "visualization of project progress" is the biggest challenge.

Problem solving points

To reduce customer waiting times for our quotation
Utilizing data scattered throughout the company, we have made it possible for customers to check the latest logistics costs and schedules at the same time on our online site. This has made it possible to significantly reduce the time it takes for customers to obtain estimates.
Visualization of import/export project progress
You can now check the progress status of import/export projects requested by customers in a timely manner on our online website. We have achieved unified management of information by making import/export operations such as checking ship movements and receiving documents online, which were previously done via email or telephone.

From the project leader

Forward ONE takes advantage of the characteristics of online services and focuses on developing new functions and co-creating with partner companies. In the future, we plan to improve the visualization of CO₂ emissions, finance functions, and estimation functions, in order to provide highly convenient services for our customers.

Click here for detailed services

Diversification of logistics needs Promoting the “HACO lab.” logistics container solution business

We contribute to the efficient operation of logistics containers, which are often lost or stagnant.

"HACO lab." is a logistics container solution that combines "logistics containers" with various "technologies." We provide comprehensive support, from the development of customer-specific distribution containers, individual container management using systems, installation support, and operation of return venous logistics. We contribute to Supply Chain optimization by responding to customer issues in a tailored manner and providing one-stop support.


Difficult to select the optimal logistics container
The international cargos are diverse and have a variety of shapes and characteristics. Transportation methods and transportation environments must also be considered. Due to these factors, it is not easy to select efficient and easy-to-use logistics containers.
Managing logistics containers is troublesome
In order to prevent the loss or accumulation of logistics containers, a system for accurate individual management is required. Visual confirmation of container quantities and reporting and management using spreadsheets placed a heavy burden on customers.

Problem solving points

Proposing logistics containers tailored to product characteristics
Logistics containers are made from a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, resin, and reinforced cardboard. We design and develop containers in cooperation with container manufacturers of various materials. By combining our knowledge as an international logistics company with the technical capabilities of a container manufacturer, we provide logistics containers tailored to the characteristics of products.
Outsource logistics container management
We design and develop our own logistics container management system that incorporates RFID and image recognition technology. In addition, we reduce the burden on logistics sites and managers by proposing the introduction of systems tailored to the characteristics of the site and cargo, and providing support for operation and maintenance.

From the project leader

Problems such as "There are supposed to be enough containers, but for some reason I always don't have enough" and "I can't concentrate on my main job because I'm wasting my time managing containers" can be solved with the logistics container solution " HACO lab." that we developed. can. In addition to optimizing Supply Chain, reducing costs, and reducing the burden on customers, we also promote the reuse and returnability of logistics containers to achieve sustainable logistics.

Click here for detailed services

Digitization of logistics operations

We will introduce a computerized system to existing operations to improve the efficiency of logistics operations.

Our company is working to improve the efficiency of logistics operations using DX techniques, such as participating in Cyber Port, an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to digitize port logistics procedures, and workflows using RPA (software robot technology) and reduce your operational costs.
Our efforts include identifying cumbersome tasks through interviews with each business department, and promoting automation of business processes through in-house DX. As a result, we achieved operational improvements, including a significant reduction in work time. By allocating the newly freed time to higher value-added tasks such as expanding and strengthening customer contact points, we are beginning to see results in improved customer satisfaction and profitability.


Difficulty finding time to respond to customers
In general, logistics operations involved spending time on various document preparation tasks, making it difficult to free up time for customer service, which is the essential task.
Visual and manual input work
We handle the task of inputting huge amounts of paper media into core systems with limited manpower. However, visual and manual operations were prone to human error, and the fundamental issue of a lack of human resources remained unresolved.

Problem solving points

Workflow DX promotion
Introduced a system-based workflow and abolished paper-based business documents and seal-based approval procedures. It enables information sharing both internally and externally and between departments, and speeds up decision-making.
Electronic document processing
We digitized the received invoices and seamlessly integrated them into our in-house accounting system, making it possible to recall the relevant documents with one click. We are also promoting invoice processing that focuses on data utilization, such as by using OCR technology and billing data between group companies. This significantly reduced work time and led to rapid progress in going paperless. In the future, we will introduce an automatic invoice system using RPA, with the aim of automating 70% of the total work hours.

From the project leader

As the working population continues to decline, the problems we faced with increasing operational efficiency have become a challenge for many companies that have in-house logistics departments. While proposing to customers how to improve efficiency through the use of digital technology, we will provide solutions to increase business productivity based on our own experience. We will also strive to create an environment where we can use the time created by digitizing our logistics operations to focus on our company's original characteristic of providing friendly customer service.

Creation of new field business

We will create a new business field from scratch that will lead to the evolution of logistics, leading to increased profits.

With the aim of creating services in new areas related to logistics beyond the framework of the logistics business that we have developed until now, we are accelerating efforts in areas such as human resource development, fostering an internal culture, researching new technologies, and building new business models.

Three initiatives

All employees, from young employees to management, and all group companies pool their knowledge to create new business fields unique to our group.

Diagram of three initiatives

■Logistics business development to fill the "pieces" that our company does not have: Collaborate with partners that have functions and technologies that our company does not currently have, such as domestic transportation networks, inland DC warehouses, and commercial distribution/payment functions, to meet new logistics needs. We will conduct business development that captures the needs of our customers.

■Logistics business development that responds to changes in the social structure: Due to changes in the social structure such as digitalization, the shift to EVs, and a decline in the working population, unprecedented changes are occurring rapidly. We will quickly catch such changes, develop logistics solutions that solve social issues, and create businesses that will give our company an advantage in the future.

■New field business development that looks at logistics from a new perspective: In an era of high uncertainty and rapid changes in the business environment, it is necessary to continue creating new business proposals with flexible ideas.
We will create a system that enables all employees to take on new challenges by holding an "Innovation Program" and a "Business Contest" to learn how to come up with business ideas.

From the project leader

When it comes to initiatives aimed at creating new business fields, it is essential to work tenaciously from a medium- to long-term perspective, with the vision and continuous support of the management team. We believe that constantly keeping an eye on rapid changes in the business environment and continuing to take on challenges without fear of failure will lead to the creation of new fields of business for our company.

We will propose the optimal transportation route, transportation method, storage, and moving to suit your needs.
Please feel free to contact us. Our sales representative will explain the details in detail.