Human rights / Diversity

Commitment to human rights

Our group publishes a statement regarding the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 every year. In order to eliminate illegal labor such as slave labor, child labor, and human trafficking in Supply Chain, we have clearly stated this in Charter of Corporate Behavior and shared it throughout the Group. In addition, we are working to request appropriate responses from our business partners, suppliers, and other business partners.

Additionally, in order to improve human rights awareness, we regularly conduct training and e-learning on the Charter of Charter of Corporate Behavior and harassment. This allows our employees to acquire important knowledge about human rights so that they can respond appropriately.

Furthermore, we have established an internal reporting system and have established internal and external contact points for consultation and reporting regarding discrimination and harassment. Through this, we aim to detect, resolve, and correct problems early, and strive to improve human rights awareness.


Implementation of diversity and inclusion training

We conduct a variety of training programs related to diversity and inclusion, with the aim of developing human resources who can act in ways that respect each other's human rights.

Balancing work and childcare/nursing care


This is an in-house system that supports employees who work while raising children. We are strengthening support for both men and women to achieve a work-life balance so that they can maximize their abilities without having to give up their careers due to childcare.

  • Deficit” means Nissin ’s system exceeds the legal limit

Childcare leave system

Available until the day before the child's 1st birthday

However, if you wish to enter a public health center but are unable to do so,

(Maximum) Can be taken until the last day of the month in which the child turns 2 years old.
childcare time

When a female employee who is raising a baby less than one year old makes a request in advance.

Paid childcare time available for 30 minutes twice a day during working hours
Short-time working system

Available until the end of the school year for third-year elementary school students

You can choose from 5 hours, 5 hours 30 minutes, 6 hours, 6 hours 30 minutes, and 7 hours.

Staggered working hours system Available until the end of the school year for third-year elementary school students
Flextime working system Available until the end of the school year for third-year elementary school students
Stock vacation*
*Expired annual paid leave

Available in the following cases

・When pregnant women receive health guidance or health checkups

・When raising a child within 8 weeks of birth

・When caring for a child injured or ill


Vacation and leave available from pregnancy to birth

Vacation and leave available from pregnancy to birth
*Vacation (paid) / Leave of absence (unpaid)

Various systems available during the childcare period

Various systems available during the childcare period

Childcare leave acquisition rate

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
woman 100% 100% 100%
male 58.8% 42.1% 65.2%

Last year's status is also posted on the Women's Activities Database.

Nursing care

This is an in-house system that supports employees who work while providing nursing care.

  • Deficit” means Nissin ’s system exceeds the legal limit

Nursing care leave system Up to 93 days in total (can be acquired in three installments)
Short-time working system

When caring for a family member who requires care

Available until care is no longer required

You can choose from 5 hours, 5 hours 30 minutes, 6 hours, 6 hours 30 minutes, and 7 hours.

Staggered working hours system

When caring for a family member who requires care

Available until care is no longer required

Flextime working system

When caring for a family member who requires care

Available until care is no longer required
Stock vacation*
*Expired annual paid leave

Available in the following cases

・When caring for a family member who requires care

・Available until care is no longer required


Initiatives to promote female participation

Six logistics companies that face challenges in promoting women's participation in the workforce held a roundtable discussion for female employees. A total of 18 female employees participated, including three from each company working in various workplaces.

The roundtable discussion was led by a lecturer from our Diversity Career Development Center, and focused on training related to career development.

Participants exchanged frank opinions on each topic, providing an opportunity to think again about their working style and the goals they should aim for.

Through these efforts, we aim to create a work environment where women can thrive.

Employment of people with disabilities

We actively employ people with disabilities.

We are active in a variety of tasks tailored to the characteristics of each person's disability.

Reemployment of the elderly

This is a system that allows employees who are willing to work even after reaching retirement age to continue working in order to pass on the wealth of experience and knowledge they have cultivated through their work to the next person in charge.

Contract reemployment system

Possible to work up to age 70 depending on conditions

Working days and working hours can be set flexibly


Diverse work styles

Telework system

Employees who wish to work from home, who are familiar with the work they are engaged in and who are able to perform it smoothly during telework, may work from home or work from home (domestic only).

Flextime working system

With the exception of core time (11:00-15:00), this is a system that allows employees to flexibly decide their arrival and departure times at their own discretion. Currently, 61.5% of employees are using flextime.

Limited reemployment system

If the reason for leaving your job is marriage, childbirth, childcare, nursing care, or a spouse's transfer, this is a system that allows you to return to work once the circumstances that led to your resignation have been resolved and the environment for returning to work has been established. (However, the period of employment is limited to 3 years or more, and the separation period after retirement is limited to 10 years or less)

External evaluation

We have received high praise from outside the company for our efforts to promote the active participation of women and achieve work-life balance.

Obtained “Eruboshi” certification mark

Obtained “Eruboshi” certification mark

Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Participation in the Workplace (Women's Participation Promotion Act), this is a system in which the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare certifies companies with excellent implementation of initiatives related to the promotion of women's active participation.

We were evaluated on a three-point scale based on five evaluation items, and on January 11, 2022, we received the highest three-star certification, meeting all the criteria.

Obtained "Kurumin" certification mark

Obtained "Kurumin" certification mark

Based on the Next Generation Development Support Measures Promotion Act, this is a system in which the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare certifies companies that have an excellent track record of initiatives related to childcare support.

Our company met all 10 certification criteria and received certification on February 8, 2022.

Tomonin mark acquisition

Tomonin mark acquisition

Companies that are working to create a workplace environment that allows for a balance between work and nursing care can apply to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to use the system.

Our company acquired it on January 23, 2018.

Initiatives to shorten working hours

We are working to shorten working hours by introducing flexible working hours and staggered working hours to enable highly productive working styles in each job and workplace.

Health initiatives

We conduct regular health checkups once a year for all employees, and have achieved a 100% checkup rate for the past five years. We also have a health guidance system to support employee health management.

  • Stress checks are conducted at all domestic business sites. The collected data is verified by experts and used to create a better work environment.

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