Medium-Term Business Plan

Overview of the 7th Medium-Term Business Plan “Nissin Next 7th” (NN7)

Ⅰ. Basic policy

Basic policy

Ⅱ. Management plan period

April 2022 to March 2027 (5 years)
Dividing the five years into the following two periods, we aim to achieve our goals and create high corporate value.

  • Phase 1 (April 2022 - March 2024)
    Building a business and management foundation that is adaptable to the next generation

  • Phase 2 (April 2024 - March 2027)
    Reliable implementation of measures and realization of further growth

Ⅲ. Financial targets (consolidated)

  6th Medium-Term Business Plan 7th Medium-Term Business Plan
Final year Phase 1 Phase 2
Fiscal year ending March 2022 FY2024 (Results) Fiscal year ending March 2027 (target)
Amount of sales 192.6 billion yen 169.9 billion yen 220 billion yen
Operating income 9 billion yen 8 billion yen 11 billion yen
Ordinary profit 9.8 billion yen 9.4 billion yen 11.5 billion yen
Net income 6.3 billion yen 8.6 billion yen 9.8 billion yen
Return on equity (ROE) 9.4% 9.7% Approximately 10.0%

Ⅳ.Priority measures

  • Promotion of business portfolio strategy

    • Categorize your portfolio into “by business”, “by industry”, and “by region”

    • Product development and service enhancement that integrate various fields

    • Promote profit analysis and implement efficient business operations and investments

  • Promotion of DX

    • Expand business
      -Digital digital forwarding service
      -Visualization service for international logistics using IoT, etc.

    • Business efficiency

      - Construction of cargo information sharing system

      - Optimization of workplaces using IoT, etc.

  • Creation of new field business

    Promoting research, discovery and commercialization of new businesses

  • Promotion of ESG management

    • Building a sustainability promotion system

    • Promote green management, develop human resources, ensure diversity

    • Identification of materiality

    • TCFD compatible

Ⅴ. New equipment/investment and loan plans

Investment plan: 40 billion yen
  • Kanagawa Wharf Warehouse: 4 billion yen

  • North Kanto Logistics Center: 6 billion yen

  • Chemicals and Hazardous material (Kobe, Hokkaido): 17 billion yen

  • Other domestic and overseas: 8 billion yen

  • Other investments in priority areas: 5 billion yen

    - Promoting IT and digitalization


    -M&A Strategy

    -Human resource development, etc.


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(Updated: May 28, 2024)

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