
Some things change and some never do.
In turbulent times, Nissin continues to deliver happiness and impact people’s lives.

The meaning behind the Nissin name embodies our founding spirit of improving day by day.

The meaning behind the Nissin name embodies our founding spirit of improving day by day.

In the midst of this time of great change, we asked ourselves, what principles should we hold on to? What do we want to be in the future? And what is it that we should focus on in order to achieve this?


Our newly established Purpose, Vision, and Values are our answer to these questions and will serve as Nissin's guiding principles from now on.

Our Purpose is our raison d'être, unchanged and immutable. To impact people’s lives by delivering not just things but the emotions and heart that lie behind them. And to make the world a better place by taking care of the environment. These are the beliefs that went into our Purpose. Our Vision for ourselves as a supply chain logistics provider is to be a partner who helps solve various social issues by achieving ideal logistics arrangements for our customers. And what drives our Vision is the people and innovations that we have cultivated. Our Values make clear the views that all of our employees must share to further propel our Purpose and Vision forward. To be a pioneer who explores new ground each day in order to provide superior ideas. To respect differences so that each individual can maximize their strengths. And to have an attentive heart to better understand and resolve customer concerns and challenges.


We will continue seeking to grow and evolve each day and to achieve our Vision through the Purpose and Values that embody our unchanging principles.

In turbulent times, Nissin continues to deliver happiness and impact people’s lives.



Touch the hearts of all, delivering global happiness and peace

To "carry" something. It is an activity that forms the basis of society and economy, and is an indispensable force for the development of the world. We at Nissin can help, even with limited time, with delicate goods such as medicine, and even in areas where roads are poorly maintained. We have achieved all kinds of "transportation" that our customers have requested. Some customers call us ``Emergency Nissin'' because we have paved the way even in difficult situations where other companies would have given up.

In recent years, with the spread of infectious diseases, frequent occurrence of natural disasters, and rising geopolitical risks, the situation surrounding "transport" has become increasingly difficult. However, we will utilize the skills we have honed to connect people with people, companies with companies, and Japan with the world. And we will not just transport "things," but also the "feelings" that are put into them and deliver "emotions" to the recipients. And we aim to protect the earth through our environmentally friendly services.

Spreading happiness across the world. That is our Purpose.

Vision:What we aim for

Supply Chain Logistics Provider
Through the power of “people” and “innovation,” we will construct optimal logistics supply chains to contribute to solving diverse social issues

As the conditions which affect logistics undergo a sea change, we will further develop the people and innovations we have cultivated with the aim of becoming a leader in building and managing ideal supply chains for our customers. We will contribute to the optimization of our customers’ operations by gaining a deep understanding of their businesses and taking the initiative in proposing systems and arrangements that enable us to supply what is needed when it is needed. We will also take on the challenge of contributing to the solution of climate change and other social issues and aim to be a reliable partner in an era that demands sustainability.


Be a pioneer

As a pioneer in international multimodal transport, we always look to the future and challenge ourselves to provide new solutions.

Respect difference

We accelerate innovation by respecting diversity and creating an environment in which each individual can maximize their strengths.

Have an attentive heart

We value service, hospitality, and attentiveness that looks at things from the client’s perspective to achieve the ideal logistics for our customers.

Corporate philosophy

Our mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of society as a good corporate citizen, and while adhering to high ethical standards, we conduct free and fair corporate activities globally.

Basic management policy of the company

Our group strives to provide safe, prompt, low-cost, and high-quality logistics and travel services while continuing to innovate based on the spirit of "new and renewed every day," which is the origin of our company name. Our basic management policy is to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society, increase corporate value while building trust with customers, and meet the expectations of all stakeholders, including shareholders.


In order to realize this basic policy, our group conducts related businesses such as logistics and travel, which are essential for economic and social development, by thoroughly complying with corporate ethics and laws, and actively working to preserve the global environment. We aim to expand globally while fulfilling our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Charter of Corporate Behavior

In recognition of our position as a good corporate citizen committed to contributing to the sustained growth of society and to engaging in free and fair business activities globally with a strong sense of ethical values, Nissin Corporation and its subsidiaries have established a set of principles to guide its corporate behavior.

We aim to become a company that earns the trust of our customers  and satisfies their needs.
  • Based on our the corporate philosophy of “improving each day”, we will identify global trends and provide valuable services to society.
  • Through our global logistics operations, we will help to achieve an improved quality of life and contribute to sustainable economic growth.
  • We will strictly protect and secure control of both personal and customer information.
We will execute fair and responsible corporate activities.
  • We will comply with international rules and local laws and conduct appropriate transactions.
  • We will maintain sound and normal relationships with governments and administrative authorities.
  • We will resolutely oppose anti-social forces and groups that threaten the order or safety of civil society as a whole.
We will carry out information disclosure in a fair and active manner.
  • We aim to become a trusted company through timely and appropriate disclosure of information.
  • We will work to deepen mutual understanding through dialogue with customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders.
We will respect human rights in the conduct of our business.
  • We respect the human rights of all people and will work to eliminate all forms of illegal labor.
  • We will create an environment that respects different values and that makes the most of diverse human resources.
  • We aim to become a company that enables each employee to grow, to work cheerfully, and to find meaning in their job.
We will work to promote a healthy global environment.
  • We will develop an environmentally friendly logistics business and strive to ensure harmony with the global environment.
We will fulfil our responsibility as good corporate citizens.
  • We aim to achieve a good balance between our business activities and social contribution activities and to help build a prosperous society.
  • We respect the cultures and customs of each country and contribute to the development of local communities and to solve social issues.
We will prepare for diversifying risks and engage in systematic risk management.
  • Under an appropriate risk management system, we will work to mitigate risks for business continuity.
  • We will work to enhance our ability to respond to crises by educating our employees continuously.
We place this Charter at the foundation of our daily activities and strive to abide by it.
  • Senior management will take the lead in practicing this Charter and will strive to achieve a full understanding of the Charter within Nissin Corporation and among its Group companies.
  • We will encourage the entities in our supply chain to act based on the spirit of this Charter.
  • We will forge effective the corporate governance needed to embody the spirit of this Charter.

Should any circumstances arise that conflict with this Charter, Nissin shall work as one to identify its causes and prevent any recurrence.

Established on December 16, 2002
Revised February 15, 2006
Revised June 18, 2018
Nisshin Co., Ltd.

Related Documents

We will propose the optimal transportation route, transportation method, storage, and moving to suit your needs.
Please feel free to contact us. Our sales representative will explain the details in detail.