Message from the President

First, I would like to thank all of our shareholders and investors for your continued support.
With the restrictions put in place due to COVID-19 gone, the world is returning to normal and economies are recovering, but factors such as the ongoing crisis in Ukraine mean the future remains uncertain. Against this backdrop, the Nissin Group has reasserted its ability to adapt to change and its own raison d'être as a leader in logistics infrastructure by placing top priority on maintaining our customers' supply chains, providing diverse means of transportation leveraging the strength of a network spanning 24 countries and regions, and fulfilling our responsibilities to society.
The Nissin Group is currently moving forward with its seventh medium-term business plan, Nissin Next 7th (NN7), which covers the five-year period from FY2022 to FY2026. In this plan, we aim to achieve our goals and create high corporate value by setting three basic policies: (1) Further cultivation of our core businesses, (2) ESG management, and (3) New business domains. Further, under our strategy for digital transformation (DX), we will expand our business base by providing our Forward ONE digital forwarding service, and by introducing HACO Lab, a reusable logistics container service.
The Nissin Group is currently moving forward with its seventh medium-term business plan, Nissin Next 7th (NN7), which covers the five-year period from FY2022 to FY2026. In this plan, we aim to achieve our goals and create high corporate value by setting three basic policies: (1) Further cultivation of our core businesses, (2) ESG management, and (3) New business domains. Further, under our strategy for digital transformation (DX), we will expand our business base by providing our Forward ONE digital forwarding service, and by introducing HACO Lab, a reusable logistics container service.
Through these efforts, we will strive to enhance our corporate value and, at the same time, meet the expectations of our stakeholders for the realization of a sustainable society.
I humbly ask our shareholders and investors for your continued long-term support.
Nissin Corporation

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